Julia de Menezes Nogueira
Julia de Menezes Nogueira has extensive experience in tax consulting and litigation, as well as a significant academic background. She completed her legal training at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, having obtained the PHD title with the defense of the thesis, later published as a book by the Publisher Noeses, entitled “Taxation of the Insurance, Reinsurance and Complementary Pension Market”. Before that, she had already obtained the titles of specialist (IBET) and L.L.M. (PUC-SP) and had published the book “Withholding Income Tax” by the Publisher Quartier Latin, in addition to several articles on tax matters. She is a professor of the Specialization Courses in Tax Law at IBET, PUC-Cogeae and the Paulista School of Law – EPD. She started her work as a consultant for Pacheco Neto Sanden Teisseire Advogados in September 2022 and before that she had worked in renowned São Paulo law firms, including Demarest Advogados, for 10 years. Since 2019, he has been a member of the Board of IBATT – Brazilian Institute of Tax Arbitration, which has been working strongly for the implementation of the institute in Brazil, and has already published several articles on the subject. Her native language is Portuguese and she is fluent in English and Italian.