Swedcham has completed its term ahead of the Eurocâmaras, Association of the bilateral European Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Brazil. It is thus a good time to thank Chairman Nils Grafström and Managing Director Jonas Lindström for their high commitment over the last 12 months. Eurocâmaras intensified even more Swedcham’s already very dynamic and busy agenda. Eurocâmaras’ Elected New Board is formed by Dr. Wolfram Anders, Chairman – German Chamber, Nils Grafström, Vice-Chairman – Swedish Chamber, and Renato Pacheco Neto, Chairman – CAE-Eurocâmaras. Other positions are currently being presented.
At least 10 events were organized and hosted at Swedcham, during its Presidency of Eurocâmaras. We could exchange a lot with ELAN (European Latin America Network) not only here but also abroad. There were two missions out of Brazil. The first took place in September 2016 and the last in February 2017, with the Chairman and Managing Director’s participation respectively.
This broader agenda—always together with other Chambers, mainly the ones on the Eurocâmaras Board, French, Portuguese, German et al.— enabled a fruitful sharing of experiences and also interaction with the EU Delegation in Brasilia in addition to Fiesp and even the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On May 5, Swedcham’s Chairman Nils Grafström handed out to Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes the 2017 Position Paper of Eurocâmaras to the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement, currently under an advanced negotiations stage. This Position Paper was issued with support from MAT (Market Access Team), which held four important meetings at Swedcham together with the EU Delegation led by Nicola Ardito and his team of experts.
The Eurocâmaras paper deals with many important issues among which is the strengthening of business ties between the regions through global value chains, modernizing infrastructure and competitiveness, providing better incentives, also access to trade-related intellectual property, converging regulatory frameworks and also enhancing customs procedures. The Position Paper was conceived by a working team of different professionals and experts who brought their contributions and is available for download and further reading on the Eurocâmaras website: http://www.eurocamaras.org.br/eurocamaras/en/POSITION-PAPER-Eng.pdf
Last but not least, we would like to say that Swedcham will further participate in the Eurocâmaras as a Vice Chair and also Chair of its Arbitration and Mediation Chamber (CAE). Eurocâmaras European Chambers are internationally organized under the umbrella of EBO WWN (European Business Organizations Wordwide Network) and had their recent 17th Global Meeting from June 19 to 21 in Brussels, hosted by The European Commission Directorate General for Growth, former DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.
The European Business Organization Worldwide Network ASBL (EBO WWN) conducted its Annual General Meeting on June 19 in Brussels. On this occasion, the EBO WWN elected its board. Renato Pacheco Neto (Eurocâmaras-CAE Brazil) was reelected Chairman; Adam Dunnett (European Chamber China) and Frederik Höglund (European Chamber Taiwan) rejoined the board as Vice-Chairman as Ramon Brüsseler (Laos) did as Treasurer. New to the Board is Almut Roessner (European Chamber Vietnam), who succeeded Christoph Heider (European Chamber Korea).
Renato Pacheco e Silva Bacellar Neto is partner at Pacheco Neto Sanden Teisseire Law Firm.