Pacheco Neto Sanden e Teisseire Advogados is pleased to announce the promotion of Adriano Consentino to member of the Board of Directors of the firm, in the year in which he celebrates 10 years of association. His practice is focused on foreign direct investment, corporate and contractual law, in addition to meeting demands related to investments in startups and innovative businesses.
Adriano founded PNSTart, the firm’s internal core focused on serving startups and which fulfills the function of keeping the firm up to date with new technological trends within the law. Having studied and lived in France, the new partner has a strong role in serving French clients, a role he will continue to perform, without prejudice to the supervision of the work in his area for clients of other nationalities.
Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, and postgraduate in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Adriano has an LL.M. from the Université de Paris II (Panthéon-Assas, Paris, France), and another LL.M, completed in 2017, from the University of Notre Dame Law School (Notre Dame, Indiana, USA), where he graduated with the Faculty Award for Excellence in Payment Systems program with a work on the relationships between Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and the Law.